Hacknet AP YAML Generator

For information about setting up Hacknet for Archipelago, click here.

YAML Settings

The Victory Conditions
  1. Heartstopper - Base game ending, stop PortHack's heart.
  2. Veteran - Labyrinths Only, break into The Gibson.
  3. Altitude Loss - Labyrinths Only, reach the end of the Labyrinths path.
  4. Completionist - All of the above.

Shuffle Executables
  1. All - All executables (e.g., Clock), apart from exceptions (e.g., Kaguya Trials)
  2. Prog. + Useful - Progression and Useful, no filler. (e.g., OpShell)
  3. Only Progression - Only Progression Executables (e.g., WebServerWorm)
Traps will always be shuffled into the item pool, regardless of choice.